Judgmental vs Opinion? OR there is a Better mindset?

Judgement embeds a negative emotional experience, and when the judgement is placed, there are no any open discussions. When I asked Spirit, how about Opinion? It says, it still has 25% of judgment in it.  It has more space to learn and improve. 

Judgment forms a limited belief system in our subconsciousness.  Whenever there is an incident tiggers the similar experience, we start to react. It is a discordant emotional pattern. The most common one within us is Race belief system, Gender discrimination, and Financial scarcity, just to list few… 
These are big subjects, so I would not place my personal views right this moment yet. 

 it is not easy not to share with my personal experiences.  My point is what other or better option here could reeducate and cultivate our consciousness away from discordance beliefs and programs? 

Since I moved to North Georgia from Chicago a few years ago, I’ve found there is a “new fear belief system” about the weather, which was so ridiculous to me. I pawed through snow with my little Mini Cooper in snow, storms, in the serve low temperature of minus 50f within downtown Chicago and its surrounded suburbs for years, and I felt this fear of weather for Georgians was a joke. 

Whenever the weather reported, that there would be a tiny sprinkle of snow, you would be seeing people rushing into the grocery stores for bread, milk, butter, eggs, pasta, etc… Human and animals hospitals closed down or had very limited hours for visiting. How long the snow could last here in Georgia? It usually melts within the next 3-4 hours!  

I remembered when I came to look at houses, it snowed that day, we saw people were parking on the highway, stopped moving for half inch of snow.  I thought it would change, but it didn’t.  

A few weeks ago, it snowed 1.5 inches in the area, and my Amita, a beautiful and cute French Bulldog picked this day to have puppies. This breed needs C-session to whelp the puppies. We called our regular vets, and surrounding animal ERs, none of them would take us in. They said, due to the “severe weather” condition, they had to close the office today… And three ERs within 2 hours around us, also replied the same.  “you can come in, but we don’t have any surgeons….” 

I could only apply energy healing for them, and still worried and got very upset… After 16 hours, the ER called, and allowed us to bring her in to perform the operation. Then five puppies were died because of all these delayed waits.  After all the driving around the town, vet to vet, we still had to pay thousands of dollars vet bills.

The lucky part was Amita was healthy very alive after the surgery, and she had one puppy whelped naturally while waiting for the vet to reopen.  It took me a lot of energies and many days to process this trauma.  How could these people couldn’t deal with 2 inches of snow? How could the ERs refused us? How could Spirit allow this happen to Amita and us? How stupid this area was..It is so unfair that we had to pay these bills because the surgeon was wrong about his diagnosis.. I was sad, angry, judging and crying inside of my mind on and on…

I finally wrote an email to one of my respectful Spiritual teachers, and she wrote me a beautiful and compassionated email after a few days, shared a great deal of wisdoms with me. The key was that, we as healers, can only do our best, but can’t take the responsibilities for others after the healing processes.  It was a huge lesson for me, that placing the self-judgmental view on myself, others and situations, who could not save their lives, and placing that judgmental views to the people around here, their cowardliness, rejections, simply did not serve the best good for me, and anyone else. These puppies entered to learn and teach. They were bonded to offer their services even in such a short time, and quickly moved on to their next lesson.  Yet, I still attached to those traumas, and would not let go… 

I meditated on all the situations, and realized these judgments did not serve the highest good for me, my life here, nor to my beloved animals. The key is not how long you are learning, but it’s THE time to finish the lesson and move up!

The truth is our highest mental stage is Equanimity: to live in a harmonious and balanced life with all beings. One quiz is completed, less difficulties or roadblocks will show up on the path because the soul had completed that lesson and the consciousness has “upgraded”. 

Today, I meditate on each thought that would bother me in the past, then ask myself: Do I let It IN or let it GO?  This technique will be part of my meditation workshop as well. 

Releasing all sorrows, unfairness, negative benefits from the ancestral lines, religious discriminations, victim mindsets, and more..  We have different lessons, yet we are all in ONE LOVE, ONE Universe…. Amita and her singleton girl puppy are very healthy; everyday I see them as the witness of miracle.  Thank you! Spirit for all that You have taught me.

Equanimity is my NEW FOCUS

With Love, 
