To honor my beloved standard poodle-Pancake , and appreciated some healer friends, who had helped me overcome the challenges before and after I lost Pancake, I am going to offer a few free healings to fur babies.  

I also donated 10 standard poodles for Pancake to the nonprofit organizations around to country to honor how he saved my life, 9 of them passed the exams and now serving as service poodles. 

I am ready to face the grief and from healing others in order to liberate myself.

One of the most difficult moment in my life was when my beloved fur child Pancake leaving his body. 

He took his last breath in my arms at home naturally. 

He struggled to breath harder and tried to stand up, so he could be there for me…  

“Who will be taking care of you!? Mommy!?” He asked me..

Pancake was like a child to me, but he took care of my emotional body  as an guardian angel; he was a celebrity in the neighborhoods we used to live, at parties, Chicago galleries, and River walk.  People invited him to parties. 

Pancake was large, handsome, funny, brave, stubborn, full of justice (fought big dogs for small dogs in parks), he shared his toys with others, never got upset if other dogs ate his food or treats, he loved to chew cell phones, and other electrical stuffs, he remembered all his toy’s names. He placed them on bed as exhibitions of his joy often, Pancake had hip dyspraxia since he was young. He hopped like a large teddy bear in the neighborhood’s dog parks, his floppy ears flying between the tulips, and dandelions, stayed late at the UIC studio with me making art semester after semester, ran away to visit the children and old folks and came home later, which made me worried to death when it happened. But he always came home safely with a big smile on his face.  

He made it warmer when I walked with him in the snowy cold days.…His puppy eyes reminded me the Himalayas’s sky- bright and innocent. 

He was a picky eater, his sensitive stomach made me research and studied animal nutritions.  When he was 12 years old, he had a lot of skin issues. It happened just right after I moved to a farm 40 minutes south of downtown Chicago. 

I used all kind of holistic medicines, cream, conventional veterinary, but the area of ulcerate continued increased.  He cried and avoid when I dressed his wounds. 

I was seeking for helps from a online SRT group.  And a healer answered my prayer and helped us.  She mentioned there was some toxic minerals and gas under the house, and Pancake was protecting me from them.  He served as a Guardian Angel.  

The healer helped me retired Pancake’s position and closed and sealed the openings in the house. 

I was aware, when I purchased the house, the inspectors did find radon in the basement, and we did hire licensed contractor to install the radon mitigation system.  Soon after the session.m, Pancake started to heal. His hair grew back, all wounds closed up.  I only learned SRT in a short time back then, but so happy and grateful to see Pancake was back to his old self soon after.  

My beloved boy loved to play fetching, chew my socks and squishy toys. He didn’t like horses, but he made friend with my Arabian gelding, Hafeed.  People often stopped their car and rolled down their window asked what is he? Can we pat him!?  How lovely he is~….. 

Pancake was my bridge to know more people. Most of the time, people called me Pancake’s mommy, and I didn’t mind it. Who cared about the name as an identity in this cold and Windy City!?

Pancake not only served as a Guardian Angel, but also was my near and dear family member….especially he accompanied me through depression, saved my life physically from scared away the attackers in Chicago’s dark alley, and hiking in the Appalachian Trail numerous times.  We created many memories together, and he taught me so much about unconditional love and forgiveness.  
That day, he was breathing hard, as much as I love him deeply, I told him: Mommy will love you always!  It’s okay to leave…. Pancake, it’s okay…. He looked at me, then took his last breath deep and hard. 

It was one hot day the 3rd of July 2016, but my heart was dead cold.  It was the most difficult day in my life… Why dogs live such a short life? 

A day later I had a dream, Pancake was in the dream and told me: Mommy, please do not be sad! I am here, but I will be back soon again. This time I will be a sliver poodle, because of my bad hips, I am going to have a smaller body, and I will have great hips this time. 

Priya was pregnant at that time. Since she is a blue female, I didn’t know what she would have, and kept telling myself at the same: It was just a dream…

Yet, having hope eased my pains. 

A month later, one of my poodles, Priya had a litter of 7 puppies, the smallest puppy was the only silver poodle male in the litter.  

His name is Seva Dharma of Lake Sai. He has Pancake’s mischievous personality, Love Love Love me….

Smaller size, sliver color, when he was 2 years old, I took him for OFA hip exam.  He was rated Excellent. 

I call him Dharmee. 

Maybe some will say it was a coincidence, maybe it’s just a nice idea that I am comforting myself. 

What you think really doesn’t mean anything to me because my reality and my experiences are gold to me. 

Life is full with mystery~

Love and Joy are the keys. 

I am grateful! Universe. Thanks for sending Pancake, Dharmee and all the love from the Animal kingdom to all of us. 

