Helping people to heal from past, design and manifest a life that’s in harmony with your Soul’s purposes.

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Animals Consciousness and Upgrading Spiritual Bodies

In the original divine plan, animals were programmed to live in the wild with natural conditions.  They were designed to be part of the eco-systems, and reacted to all the natural causes and actions according to their instincts.  In the ring of creation, their mission and purposes are serving nature and human being. 

For thousands of years, human tamed the beasts for various reasons, and nowadays, we have all possible species as pets in our life.  There are a big range of pets co-create life together with their human caretakers.  They rely on human’s services in exchanging care and love. 

During this processes, many domestic animals absorb human’s consciousness, energies, emotions, and some even are diagnosed with human diseases. For example, it was not news that animals are diabetic, insulin resistance, or even diseases can spread between humans and animals….  Animals also receive Spiritual Bodies and some have upgraded their souls.  Some animals have 5 - 6 Spiritual Bodies, and embodied very high consciousness to assist and live with their human caretakers.  Some absorbed their negative energies, take a hit from the Geopathic Stress, Morphogenic Field, toxic gas from the ground, bearing diseases for their caretakers.  Animals also are expressing the similar attitudes/energies/personifications like the caretakers.  

I recently did a SRT session for a client’s dog, Wilson.  His urine was very dark in color. He has not showed any signs of discomforts, the vet found some protein elements in it.  My client loves Wilson dearly, so would like me to work on the situation.

When the owner called me, from her nervous and worried tone, I immediately felt that Wilson’s kidneys were drained, and he absorbed a lot of discordant energies from the family members, who also are living in the house. 

I expressed what I “saw” to her, and client said to me, “My sister lives here, and she does not like dog.”  I said to the client, the dog is taking that rejecting energy hard, and now is draining his own energies… 

I usually do a general research for the case for the overall situation.  We found there were five discordant energies/past life program were running, there were some Spiritual Beliefs, blocked of Positive Potential, Negative Potential, Belief of Beliefs, and Future Life Program running… After clearing those programs and transformed these energies, I dove deeper into more research.  We found the positive relationship between the dog and client’s sister was 0% positive, unlimited% negative. The dog received discordance reflections: Jealousy, stinginess, rejections, self-centeredness, and self-destruction… 

In resulted, his Urinary system was affected, only had 25% regular function.  

I asked the Divine Medical-Corp to clear all programs, in order to repair that particular system.  Also instructed the Medical-Corp to download the appropriated Positive Emotional Patterns for Wilson, Vitality and Centeredness. Spirit also instructed to transformed the Past Life Program “Self-Punishment” for the client and her family member, especially to her sister. 

At last, Clear Spiritual Bodies (including Wilson’s) Viruses for all, Re-Educating High Selfs and all souls involved in this incident. 

I also researched if the dog food is being fed now tributing to the illness. Also learned there was only 15% positive and 45% negative to keep Wilson on the same food.  This is another topic to discuss, how much animals are really absorbing and thriving on the human-made food for them these days? With all the chemical elements, over-processed foods, and poor ingredients are used, animals live shorter than they used to be in the nature….

The process took about 1 hour, and it was interesting to receive client’s feedbacks.  

She mentioned, she had asked her sister to find her own place for awhile, but she still wanted to live with them. However, the situation was getting worse in the past few weeks. It explained some discordance energies that I researched, and why Wilson was having health issues lately. 

I asked Spirit to shield Wilson from all emotional and energetic harms. The future looks bright and healthy for them all.  I am very grateful to be able to assist them. 

I know in the Spiritual realm, there is no karmic punishment. However, action and reaction is a golden rule for relationship equation for any beings always.  There is only love and understanding in this co-creating universe. And our pets and all animals on earth are offering nothing but pure and unconditional Love….

With Love, 

Ling-An Fang 
